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Alaa Shehada
Skills: Stand-up comedy, mask acting, physical comedy
Contact: +972569336747
Alaa Shehada is a theatre maker, educated at The Freedom Theatre Acting School in Jenin Refugee Camp, Palestine. He specializes in physical comedy, and stand-up comedy, and is co-founder of The Palestine Comedy Club. He is a doctor clown in Palestinian hospitals with Red Noses International, as well as being a member of Troupe Courage in Amsterdam as a mask actor. Alaa has performed in the USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the UK. He’s worked with the directors Amir Nizar Zubi, Di Trevis and Katrien Van Beurden. He has performed at
Theatre Royal Stratford in London, LaMaMa theatre New York, The Malthouse, Melbourne, and The Carthage Festival in Tunisia The John Kennedy Centre in Washington DC, The Kimmel Centre in Philadelphia, Gathrie Theatre in Minneapolis, and Public Theater in NYC.
Shehada is a Clown with Red Noses International in the West Bank and leads theatre workshops for women and children in Palestine.
Shehada received a Jury Award at the International Festival of Liberal Theatre in Jordan, Best Show at the Palestinian National Theatre Festival 2018, and Best Script Co-Writer 2019 for “London Jenin”.

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